Posts in skin
How to do Powder Brows on darker skin

Navigating the intricacies of pigmenting darker skin tones requires a unique approach, and the Fitzpatrick scale's highest categories - types 5 and 6 - undoubtedly pose distinctive challenges. Despite this, professional artists have the tools to create outstanding results with the Powder Brows technique, given they understand and respect the anatomy and distinctive characteristics of these skin types. This article shares practical advice on how to optimize your Powder Brows procedures for Fitzpatrick types 5 and 6, paving the way for enhanced client satisfaction.

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Some practical tips regarding creating Powder Brows

Besides knowing all the rules, let us not forget, that creating Powder Brows is also an art form, requiring meticulous attention to detail, an understanding of human physiology, and the ability to make calculated decisions on the fly. This post offers some practical tips and observations from professional partners to help improve your techniques and enhance your outcomes.

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Choosing the needle cartridges for the Powder Brows procedure

Choosing the right needle cartridge for a Powder Brows procedure demands both skill and intuition. While we can't offer a one-size-fits-all solution, understanding the intricacies of the client's skin and individual nuances can guide your choice effectively. This post aims to equip you with the essential insights to help you adjust your approach when things don't seem quite right during the procedure.

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Some practical thoughts on chemical removal of Powder Brows

The journey toward mastery in Powder Brows creation is filled with artistry, precision, and a focus on the client's comfort. However, when it comes to pigment removal using removal gels, the path diverges. This is a different realm altogether that requires a new set of skills and mindset. As artists, we must approach it distinctively, understanding that the rules that govern brow creation may not serve us best in the process of removal.

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How to start practicing Powder Brows on latex

Lots of inquiries have reached us at from users eager for practical advice on how to embark on their Powder Brows journey with their newly acquired PMU machines. We understand that transitioning from online training videos to real-life practice can be a daunting leap, which is why we've decided to further illuminate your path by translating these steps into a readable format. This post will serve as your roadmap, guiding you through the crucial initial stages of your practical PMU journey.

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The reality of blurred lines of Microblading and Powder Brows

The world of microblading and permanent cosmetics, in general, can often seem like a dream come true - the promise of perfect, low-maintenance eyebrows for up to two years is certainly appealing. However, it's important to understand that not all experiences are created equal, and much of what we see online may be the immediate results of a procedure rather than the long-term reality.

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Powder Brows removal with lactic acid based gel - step by step procedure

Many users of the platform have queried about the removal process of eyebrows using lactic acid-based gels. This post will guide you through all the stages of this procedure. While the sequence of actions provided will give you an understanding of the process, we emphasize that the actual procedure should always be performed by professionals.

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Powder Brows removal with lactic acid gels

Navigating the process of removing Powder Brows, or other forms of unwanted pigmentation, can be intricate. One efficient and safe methodology involves utilizing a removal gel in conjunction with a PMU (Permanent Makeup) machine. Given the multitude of queries we've received on this subject at, we're keen to illuminate the inner workings of this practice.

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What causes Powder Brows to fade off too soon

A category of questions gets asked a lot is related to all sorts of factors that influence the retention of Powder Brows. Obviously, this list is not exhaustive, however, you may find some interesting information regarding keeping the pigment molecules in the skin for a longer time. or at least understanding why they decided to leave.

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Powder Brows procedure, skin layers and bleeding

Permanent makeup procedures like Powder Brows involve depositing pigment into the skin, specifically targeting the upper layer of the dermis. Let us examine that more closely. As many of you may know, the skin consists of three main layers: the epidermis (outermost layer), dermis (middle layer), and hypodermis (innermost layer). The layer PMU ends up in is the dermis.

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