Powder Brows removal with lactic acid based gel - step by step procedure

It’s mopping time!

Many users of the Powderbrows.com platform have queried about the removal process of eyebrows using lactic acid-based gels. This post will guide you through all the stages of this procedure. While the sequence of actions provided will give you an understanding of the process, we emphasize that the actual procedure should always be performed by professionals.

Even though a procedure might be deemed relatively safe, it is not synonymous with a DIY project. Any procedure involving chemicals and acids, especially in proximity to your eyes, must not be taken lightly. When considering brow removal with a gel, it’s crucial not to skimp on a consultation with an experienced expert.
— powderbrows.com

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1. Clean the treatment area
Initiating any pigment or tattoo removal procedure involves meticulously cleaning the target area. Avoid using cleansing substances that contain alcohol or perfumes. Ensure the area is dried after cleaning. The procedure should only be conducted on healed skin with no visible irritations.

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2. Apply the removal gel
Using a micro brush, gently apply the Removal Gel over the pigmentation to be eliminated it. While some practitioners believe in applying more force during the application, it is important to note that the intensity of rubbing does not significantly influence the final outcome.

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3. Open the skin with the pigmentation machine needle
The skin is gently punctured using a pigmentation machine equipped with a 3RL needle. Circular motions should be used, taking care not to damage the skin excessively. During this phase, periodically dip the needle into the Removal Gel to maximize its application to the skin. The procedure should be performed cautiously, particularly on thin skin areas such as the brow tail and lower arch.

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4. Rub the removal gel into the skin
Following the skin opening, apply additional Removal Gel over the area using a micro brush. The appropriately made punctures should not bleed excessively - you should only observe tiny blood droplets at the edges of the needle marks. All rubbing during this stage should be gentle.

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5. Work on the area the second time
Employing the pigmentation machine, make small, clockwise circles ensuring the needle penetrates the skin to the necessary depth. As you work on the edges and the core of the pigmentation area, you should see some of the pigment starting to rise to the surface. Do not wipe off the gel prematurely; let it react within the skin. Throughout the procedure, gently wipe off the mixture of pigment, blood, and other substances that are expelled from the skin as often as necessary.

For artists providing such a removal service, it is essential to ensure that clients' expectations are grounded in reality. The more pigmented the brows are, the more removal sessions may be required. Lower-quality pigments used in the original Powder Brows procedure can make it harder to predict the number of sessions needed to achieve the desired effect. If the client has no knowledge of the pigment used in her brows, it becomes virtually impossible to forecast the exact effectiveness of the removal procedure. However, experience suggests that improvement can be expected - the question lies in the degree of progress.