The roller-coster of the healing phases of Powder Brows

Let’s take take a ride…

Navigating the stages of healing post Powder Brows procedure can often feel akin to a roller-coaster ride of emotions. With every client's experience being unique, understanding the broad principles and phases of the healing process can help manage expectations and prevent overreactions. This post aims to shed light on these common phases, and hopefully, lessen the fear of the unexpected.

Investing time upfront to educate clients on the healing process can save countless hours later in allaying fears and managing emotional reactions. An informed client is less likely to panic when confronted with the natural stages of healing.

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Day -1: "I'm having second thoughts."

Pre-procedure jitters are common in every beauty treatment, and Powder Brows are no exception. Professional artists distinguish themselves by displaying empathy and understanding, answering last-minute questions, and even offering a 'cooling off' period if necessary. It is essential to create an environment that is patient, not pushy, to ensure client satisfaction.

An observation: Although the artist may have completed thousands of Powder Brows procedures, it is still vital to find the time, energy, and compassion to answer all client's last-minute questions and, if needed, even ask for those. Also, as with all beauty procedures, that have long-lasting consequences on clients' life, whenever in doubt, an additional "cooling off" period should be granted to clients who are in doubt. Our experience with lots of artist show, that whenever a client feels that she is pushed to get the brows by the artist, the potentiality for dissatisfaction and reactive focus on the negative grows manifold.

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Day 1: "Wow! I have new powder brows, I love the artist!"

Post-procedure, clients usually feel relieved and excited. The artist should take this opportunity to brief the client about the subsequent phases of healing.

An observation: From the psychological aspect, it is a moment of great relief, accomplishment, and an internal need to assure oneself that the decision to go for the semi-permanent makeup was right. It is absolutely vital, that the artist prepares the client at this phase for all the healing phases that are to follow.

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Days 2-4: "Is the color correct? Is it too dark? Is the shape too large?"

Doubts may arise during the first few days following the procedure. Clients may seek advice or second opinions, sometimes from less knowledgeable sources, which could exacerbate their concerns. Artists should reassure their clients during this phase and be available to provide information.

An observation: It is the time when many clients start seeking definite advice and a second opinion about the "correctness" of the artist's work. It is not uncommon to seek such advice from sources that may have a good will but no background knowledge, nor competence to provide it. In the worst-case scenario, the client will start thinking about emergency removal or make public posts to get "honest feedback," - a behavior that is almost always dangerous and not helpful. The artist should prepare the client for that phase and be available to provide additional information. The experience of multiple artists indicates that the mere ability to listen to such concerns, even if minimal advice is provided, has a great calming effect. Whereas being unavailable may greately function as a catalyst for additional anxiety.

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Days 5-7: "Oh. My powder brows are falling off! Something must be wrong!"

The shedding of dead skin along with clumps of pigment is an expected part of the healing process. It's crucial for the artist to have educated their client about this phase to prevent undue worry. Clients should be strictly advised against touching, rubbing, or picking at their brows.

An observation: The artist has to understand, that such reactions are not dependent on the client's intelligence or age. Some very sophisticated and highly intelligent people may overreact and if one is blessed with good imagination also start cultivating theories about what sorts of things may have gone wrong in their case. From the dermatological aspect, the dead epidermis is falling off with glumps of pigment, it is normal that the brows are not symmetrical in this phase and that their color intensity may not match. The situation regarding retention and symmetry is made considerably worse if the artist has not advised the client strictly against touching, rubbing, or picking the dead skin off the brows in all sorts of other ways.

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Day 8-10: "That is it my brows are gone! I feel scammed!"

At this stage, the color intensity and size of the brows may decrease, causing some clients to fear that their brows have disappeared entirely. Again, this is a normal part of the healing process, and clients should be reassured that their brows will reappear as the skin heals and pigment from the papillary dermis becomes visible again.

An observation: Also, it is normal to experience a slight change and decrease in the size of the brows. However, if the brows happen to be too large or misplaced, this is also the phase where the truths start to appear. If the shape is too large it is not going to decrease by itself after this phase considerably.

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Day 14-28: "Wow, they are coming back, but they are still a bit different."

During this phase, the brows might still look a bit different, which is expected. The final result usually appears after the touch-up session, which happens 6-8 weeks post-procedure. Both the artist and client must understand that significant changes or corrections may not be feasible during the touch-up phase.

An observation: However, as we have also stressed, that should not mean that too large brows would magically start to shrink or color fade to lighter considerably after this phase. If the artist has made mistakes that can not be corrected at the retouching phase, it is not helpful to try to calm the client down by repeating "We shall fix all that at the retouch," because this might not just be anatomically possible. Whereas also the client has to take into account that the new brows need getting used to and it may not be impossible that the client has drawn her brows slightly the wrong way for decades and it takes some time to get used to the correct and aesthetically better shape of brows.

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Day 30: "Amazing! I love my new brows!"

By this stage, most clients have grown accustomed to their new brows and start to truly appreciate them. It's a rewarding time when the full potential of the Powder Brows procedure is realized.

An observation: This also applies to clients that have been truly emotional in the prior phases. By that time the client should feel some comfort and easy, if she does not, the situation has to be looked into.

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Day 300: "Still going strong! Maybe it's time to plan the retouch."

At this point, many clients start contemplating their yearly touch-ups. It's normal to desire a touch-up after about a year, and if the initial procedure was done correctly, retouching does not carry a significant risk of scarring.

An observation: Although in some specific cases, brows may last well for 2 or in some rather exceptional cases for 3 years, the client should not feel that she has done something wrong when it comes to maintenance if she begins to desire a touchup at that time. If the powder brows have been done correctly initially, then there is no scarring to the skin, nor does retouching propose considerable risk for scarring, and this should not be feared.

As with every beauty procedure, the journey toward beautiful Powder Brows requires patience, understanding, and trust between the client and the artist. So, buckle up, and enjoy the ride!