What can go wrong with the Powder Brows procedure?

When thing go sideways

The rise in popularity of Powder Brows has captivated makeup enthusiasts across the globe. When executed with finesse, Powder Brows exude an allure of sophistication and glamour. But, what happens when the procedure of Powder Brows does not go as planned? In this post, we shall explore the most common failures and discuss what actions one should and should not consider is such sort of situations.

An attempt to correct the natural asymmetry of brows willy-nilly by an inexperienced artist during the Powder Brows procedure is a certain road to (semi-permanently) eternal hell.
— powderbrows.com

Wrong location of brows

The shape of your powder brows may be wrong if the practitioner lacks expertise in accurately measuring and mapping the brow area. An uneven result can drastically affect the symmetry and aesthetic appearance of the face - and that is no doubt the worst that can happen to your powder brows. Two basic versions of this problem are equally awful and have practically permanent (semi-permanent) consequences on your life: a) brows are too high, too low and the positioning of the arches is unnatural; b) brows are too close together, far apart. Practically always that problem is real and although the artist may say you should wait until the healing period (6-8 weeks) is over before any sort of intervention should be considered, the situation of misplaced brows rarely gets better by itself. 

One may think now that the misplacement would be impossible because the artist measured, calculated, mapped, draw, etc the brows for such a long time. Well, to be honest, that is not always the sign of flawless architectonic thoroughness. Sometimes, excessive measuring and mapping that takes over an hour may be a sign of inner uncertainty and lack of experience in the artist. As well as if the artist who has 10+ years of experience maps brows fast and the outlines look exceptional, you should not reactively refute this result just because it took "too little time". It sure may sound like a glass of cold water in hell, however, if the artist is really bad and has messed up the location, you can opt for a long session of Hail Marys praying her being equally bad at implementing the pigment so that the brows would fade off naturally. Unfortunately, that is not always the case, and some "very bad mappers" also produce surprisingly long-lasting pigmentation.

Be as it may, the wrong location is the worst that can happen to your face, and a thing you can surely do is to search for a professional second opinion. This does not under any circumstances men to post pictures of tour powder brows during the healing phase to social media and ask others to list all the things that are wrong with them. This may mean showing your brows (or maybe sending pictures of those) to a true professional Powder Brows artist. The more professionalism and experience an artist has, the less is there any reason for her (him) to be overly critical of other artists. Such a visit may calm you down, in case the situation is not that bad and you are not just used to the correct location of the brow, or you may get some quality information on how to start your journey towards removing your brows. Whatever you decide to do, think before taking irreversible actions.

Asymmetrical brows

The brows might not be symmetrically aligned, which can result in a distracting and disproportionate appearance. All that we said about the wrong location also applies to asymmetry. Often, especially if the client happens to be older, the main reason for asymmetry is related to not asking the client to sit up enough times during the mapping and shaping phase. Thus brows may look perfectly symmetrical while the client is laying down eyes closed, the situation is different when she is in her normal posture. 

Thus from the artist's perspective, the client should always be instructed to check the outlines drawn sitting up, or standing up and using the mirror to check outlines from both sides and each possible angle. There is nothing exceptional in correcting the natural asymmetry of brows with Powder Brows. However, that is just one of the myriad of reasons one would always opt for a professional experienced artist because such endeavors carried out willy-nilly is the road to (semi-permanently) eternal hell.

Brows that are too thick

When it comes to too-thick brows, the problem is manyfold greater than if the brows are too thin. This mistake might occur when the brow shape is not designed to suit the client's facial structure, or the practitioner does not follow the natural brow bone structure, and that is just an intuitive way to explain the probable causes for this problem. The real and most common cause, that multiple artists and clients have expressed is related to the inability of the artist to confront the client when the client comes to treatment with a fixed idea that she should get large, thick Hollywood style bold instant brows.

What sets professional artists apart from those who want to "meet clients' expectations" is polite but starn refusal to take part n such madness. The artist should take time to explain using all her faculties the consequences of having too large eyebrows. We have seen photos of hundreds of cases, where the client is begging for thicker brows, confirms in every shape and form that she will be content with those, and when she finally finds out that the brows are too thich turns against the artist, saying "you are supposed to be a professional, why didn't you stop me." So why did you not?

Powder Brows are too dark 

This can result from misjudging the client's skin undertone, using an inappropriate pigment, or not considering how the color will heal and change over time. One should also keep in mind that post-treatment, brows will appear significantly darker, this is a normal part of the healing process. Despite the initial alarm, expect them to fade by approximately 30-40%. If you have gone to a professional artist who has years of experience, then you should also have some trust in her (him) and you should not attempt to fade your brows using retinol-based skincare or a homemade hydrogen peroxide paste. However, when you have taken too many cocktails on a holiday trip and wake up with absurdly dark (also probably not perfectly shaped) powder brows, there is little you can do to make it worse. In such a situation ignoring all aftercare rules, as well as using the substances mentioned on your brows may be a reasonably acute reaction.

In case you believe, the color is too light, then you should not worry at all, nor try to remove the brows yourself, because there is a very high probability that a professional artist can fix that problem (in case the shape of the brows is not too large, and the brows are not mapped incorrectly).

Brows fading off too quickly

This could be due to several factors, including improper pigment implantation, the client's skin type, or poor aftercare. We have written about that in many posts. Compared to many other situations, this can be considered a luxury problem. What should be taken into account is that you do everything within your power, to follow the aftercare instructions to grant your powder brows the best healing conditions and potential for the best longevity.

Excessive pain or bleeding during the procedure

As many of you may know, certain individuals may bleed more due to medications, skin type, or other factors which can affect the retention of the pigment. Also, pain can occur if the anesthetic is not properly applied or effective. However, under no circumstances whatsoever should there be excessive pain or bleeding during the Powder Brows procedure. If that happens, one should express that to the artist and no professional artist should tell the client just to keep on suffering. There is certainly some factual reason for that regarding what the client has done or consumed before the procedure, and what natural skin peculiarities, chronic illnesses, or propensities she has. A professional artist should do her (his) best to find that out.

Allergic reactions and infections

While rare, some clients may have an allergic reaction to the pigments used in the procedure, causing discomfort or irritation. If proper hygiene standards are not maintained during the procedure or in the aftercare phase, there is a risk of infection. We have discussed that also in detail in other posts. However, the rule of thumb is that there are such problematic cases rarely without the client having any prior information about what is going on in her body regarding allergies. That is something a professional artist should find out while the client signs the contract regarding the responsibility for all such consequences during and after the procedure. When it comes to hygiene, that is something professional artists are exceptionally strict about.

Permanent scarring

Scarring can result from poor technique, inadequate aftercare, or infection. By selecting an experienced artist and adhering to aftercare guidelines, you can minimize the risk. Still, there was rarely some permanent scarring to normal and healthy skin as a result of the Powder Brows procedure. 

That may happen (and has happened) if the client has a propensity for developing keloid-type of scarring or some other chronic skin problem that she does not reveal to the artist prior to the procedure. However, as we have discussed a lot, there should be no "Don't ask, don't tell" policy when it comes to the Powder Brows procedure. The artist should always ask.

Pigments turning blue, gray, or reddish after some time

 This is generally due to the pigment's oxidation over time, or the mixing of pigments with the natural undertones of the skin. Sometimes grayish color can be related to the peculiar characteristics of organic pigments. In general, when brows change color over time, it can be due to the use of lower-quality pigments or improper color selection during the procedure.

Pigments are composed of various color molecules. In a lower-quality pigment, the balance between these molecules may be skewed or not as finely tuned. If a pigment has an excess of red molecules (as discussed all semi-permanent pigments consist of red, black, and yellow colors), once the other colors start to fade, these warmer tones can become more dominant, causing the brows to appear reddish or orange over time. It is a well-known fact for example, that the yellow color tends to fade off sooner than red or black. A sign of a high-quality pigment that is "clean" in the sense that there is a minimal amount of unnecessary substances, and fades off from the skin so that the color does not turn unnatural in any healing phase. 

In each of these cases, a professional practitioner's expertise is key in preventing these potential issues. Proper client consultation, personalized design, attention to sanitation, careful technique, and thorough aftercare instructions can mitigate many of these risks. Unfortunately, the field of cosmetic tattooing lacks consistent regulation globally. To become an eyebrow tattoo artist, certification is typically required, which entails completing an approved course with an accredited academy or trainer.

Although numerous commendable courses offer comprehensive training and hands-on experience, the quality can vary significantly. If trainees can't afford additional education after initial certification, they continue their learning independently. In some instances, an artist may receive certification after just two days of training. This brief instruction period can lead to a deficit in their understanding and practical skills, resulting in underqualified practitioners. Clients, enticed by budget-friendly pricing, may run the risk of unsatisfactory results.

Additionally, some artists may exaggerate their level of experience. As such, clients must do their due diligence and thoroughly scrutinize the artist's portfolio before opting for their services. A well-rounded and impressive portfolio is often a testament to an artist's skills and experience. Experience, after all, is irreplaceable and paramount in this field. A seasoned artist is often more equipped to handle different skin types, and tones, and react promptly to any complications. They are also more likely to deliver results that meet or exceed your expectations when it comes to Powder Brows.