Phases of the Powder Brows procedure

Phases of the Powder Brows procedure

Many people interested in Powder Brows have asked us about the phases of the procedure and what is coming to happed during the treatment. Here is a structured description of it.

The mark of a truly professional artist lies not in blindly fulfilling client demands, but in discerning and recommending the best and most beneficial approach even if it means directly contradicting to client’s initial vision.

Many people interested in Powder Brows have asked us about the phases of the procedure and what is coming to happed during the treatment. Here is a structured description of it.

Procedure Duration: The entire Powder Brows treatment typically spans between 1.5 to 2 hours, with the exact duration largely contingent on the artist's expertise.

Stages of the Powder Brows Treatment:

Step 1: Consultation and preparation
Your initial discussion with the artist will revolve around your desired appearance. Beforehand, you may find it beneficial to peruse your artist's portfolio, as this can provide an idea of the different styles they are proficient in. However, bear in mind that what suits one individual may not necessarily be optimal for you. The artist's primary goal is to recommend and execute the style that will enhance your facial features the most, which may not align with your initial vision.

Step 2: Eyebrow Preparation

On the day of the treatment, it's advisable to arrive with your regular eyebrow makeup applied. This gives the artist a glimpse of your personal style. To prepare for the procedure, the artist will meticulously cleanse the brow area.

Step 3: Application of Anesthetic

Your eyebrow area will be treated with a topical anesthetic. Depending on the potency of the numbing solution, it can take effect within minutes. More potent numbing agents, akin to those used for lip procedures, may require 15-20 minutes to induce numbness.

One should be noted, however, that according to many professional Powder Brows artists, using topical anesthetic is not mandatory in all cases, although it is used in most cases. The reason behind its use may not be so intuitive. Namely, many artists have said that they do not apply the topical anesthetic because it was necessary to eliminate the pain (as the pain is not that great at all during the procedure), but to make otherwise oily skin dryer (enabling easier insertion of the pigment).

Step 4: Pigment Selection
You and the artist will collaboratively choose an eyebrow color that complements your hair and skin tone. The selection of the appropriate pigment is a critical aspect of the procedure, and it's a topic often addressed in our training sessions.

Step 5: Eyebrow Mapping and Measurement
Your eyebrows are measured, with considerations made for your face shape, symmetry, and other facial features. The proposed arch outline is sketched for your approval before the application commences. A variety of measurement techniques may be employed, and these are further elucidated in our platform's training section. Many artists favor the Golden Ratio, though others may use alternative or combined approaches.

Step 6: Anesthetic Reapplication
The artist creates fine dots with a specialized machine before covering them with pigment. If there's any discomfort at this point, an additional layer of numbing cream can be applied, given that the artist has the necessary permissions to use secondary numbing agents.

Many professional artists of Powder Brows have also claimed that in order to ensure that the numbing cream does work (especially when the skin is sensitive), they do a quick and topical layer of pigmentation all over the brow area to open up the skin for the anesthetic applied to have the maximum effect. Also, in cases where the client feels more discomfort or pain (and as said that can depend on a number of factors), there is no limit on how many times the anesthetic can be applied to the skin.

Step 7: Pigment Implementation
A concluding layer of pigment is applied, after which the eyebrow area is sanitized. The artist will utilize different needles and adjust the machine speed accordingly throughout the pigment application process.

Step 8: Follow-Up Appointment
After your powder brows have healed, a touch-up session is typically scheduled. This allows for filling in areas where the pigment hasn't taken or healed optimally, typically within a 6-8 week window. While some artists suggest that this follow-up is not mandatory, it is generally recommended to correct any minor imperfections and to promote longevity.