Before quitting you job to become a Powder Brows artist

Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.

"Slow is smooth, smooth is fast" – a motto that embodies the ethos of precision, patience, and proficiency. This adage, while initially a guiding principle in the world of the SEAL teams, remarkably translates to the realm of learning and mastering a new skill, such as the artistry of Powder Brows.

‘Moonshining,’ is nothing bad or illegal in the context of career development and skill acquisition. It just refers to the practice of pursuing a new interest, trade, or skill on the side while maintaining your current job.

One topic the team has received a huge amount of questions about is related to quitting the current job and starting a career in the PMU industry creating Powder Brows. In this post we shall look into that challenge, also exploring whether that should necessarily be carried out in this order. Often it is easy to be mistaken when it comes to such a decision if one does not have a viable underlying strategy.

All is not gold that glitters

The allure of the beauty industry, and more specifically the world of PMU and Powder Brows, is undeniable. It is a realm that couples creativity and precision and offers the potential for independence and financial stability. But it's important to approach this career shift with a clear and thoughtful mindset. Before diving in headfirst, one ought to consider the skill set, personal traits, and preparedness for entrepreneurship. Are you patient, detail-oriented, and good with people? Are you prepared for the rigorous training and continuous learning that will be necessary? Making sure you are ready to constantly invest your time, effort, and funds into professional training and quality tools? Creating Powder Brows is a form of artistry that requires precision, an eye for beauty, and the ability to understand clients' needs and wants and be able to resist and oppose all sorts of unrealistic desires. 

Well, that is all obvious, might one say now - it is a great change, however, if I do not take the step, it will never happen. Yes, that is true. However, what we are trying to say here is that the world of the brow industry and PMU is not always that glamorous, especially for a beginner. What can be a valuable takeaway, is that one simply does not know it that well. Therefore, if you have created in your mind some sort of an alluring mental picture of the industry, be sure to at least have some reasonable doubt if that is really the reality or just a hopeful optimistic dream.

Potential risks of a hasty decision

A hasty decision to enter the beauty industry could come with potential risks. One of the most significant pitfalls is underestimating the total commitment when it comes to time and energy. From the financial perspective, the investment is not so hard to predict, however, if one plays her cards in a suboptimal way she may also find lots of opportunities to invest huge sums in training without actually receiving the needed skillset and confidence to start. Nevertheless, the true investment lies in one's personal dedication and time.

There is even no point in starting to calculate the investment in high-quality equipment and marketing before acquiring the skills. Dreaming that if one has a place to start and equipment ready, all else will "take care of itself," is a risky and shortsighted approach. There is a myriad of such examples of women who harm their reputation in the industry during the first year of their career. The best results in this industry come from careful planning, meticulous training, and steady growth. In this sense the phrase used in the Navy SEAL training  "slow is smooth, smooth is fast," has much more truth in it, than one might wish to acknowledge.

So what does "slow is smooth, smooth is fast" mean?

"Slow is smooth, smooth is fast" – a motto that embodies the ethos of precision, patience, and proficiency. This adage, while initially a guiding principle in the world of the SEAL teams, remarkably translates to the realm of learning and mastering a new skill, such as the artistry of Powder Brows.

The psychological principle behind this phrase is rooted in the understanding that speed, in the absence of accuracy, seldom leads to mastery. Ii is urging to resist the impulsive desire to race toward the end goal without laying a firm foundation of understanding and proficiency. To learn, one must be patient and allow oneself to gradually absorb and adapt to new information and techniques.

One should resist rushing through their courses just to get certified. Instead, they should take the time to absorb the knowledge, practice the techniques, and understand the nuances of the craft. That is also why the training programs of the platform are designed to get the most out of the flexibility and accessibility of online learning, providing the perfect space for this deliberate and careful approach to skill acquisition.

Slow means fast in the endgame. The "slow" part of the phrase stresses the importance of taking the time to learn and perfect the skill. "Smooth" emphasizes the importance of consistency and precision in every movement, creating a seamless technique that looks and feels effortless. When these two elements are combined and mastered, the "fast" part of the equation emerges – the ability to execute the skill swiftly, yet flawlessly.

In the context of Powder Brows, taking the time to properly learn techniques, and understand skin types, color theory, and safety protocols leads to smooth procedures that satisfy clients and build a solid reputation. As you continue practicing, your speed will naturally increase without sacrificing the quality of your work. It's about laying a solid foundation and building upon it so that when the speed comes, you're delivering high-quality results consistently and efficiently. 

Therefore, approaching the Powder Brows online courses with a "slow is smooth, smooth is fast" mentality would mean progressing through the modules at a pace that allows you to fully understand and internalize the information. It means practicing the techniques until they become second nature and continuously seeking to refine and improve. Over time, you'll find that your procedures have become both smoother and quicker – proof that slow, indeed, led to smooth, and smooth led to fast. 

Moonshining is not illegal (anymore)

What exactly does it mean in practice in relation to quitting one's job? Well, one should simply not quit the job before being certain that she can start a career in the beauty industry and this only happens if one has understood the essence of the craft. Therefore, we believe in starting by not quitting but taking the time each day to learn just a little bit more in relation to Powder Brows. Start with the free material, become a user of our global platform, and if that all interests you, get a paid membership. 

"Moonshining," is nothing bad or illegal in the context of career development and skill acquisition. It just refers to the practice of pursuing a new interest, trade, or skill on the side while maintaining your current job. This term, originating from the practice of making homemade spirits under the cover of darkness, now symbolizes the process of exploring and cultivating new skills or a side gig during one's free time.

One of the primary advantages of moonshining is the minimized financial risk. It allows you to explore a new field or skill without giving up your primary source of income. In the case of pursuing a career in the beauty industry, such as learning the artistry of Powder Brows, moonshining can provide an opportunity to familiarize oneself with the craft without quitting one's day job.

The concept of moonshining aligns perfectly with online learning platforms like Online training platforms offer the flexibility to learn at your own pace, during hours that suit you, without having to compromise on your daily work commitments. This means you can start learning Powder Brows after office hours, on weekends, or during any spare time you might have, and we do believe that you can find the time for it. Why? Answer: experience. 

Such moonshining also enables the exploration of a new skill in a low-pressure environment. Without the immediate need to generate income from the new skill, one can focus purely on the learning and development process, fostering a true passion for the craft.

Why not have multiple sources of income?

Even if you don't transition fully into your new craft, the knowledge, and skills acquired will remain valuable. This kind of multi-disciplinary approach can lead to unique combinations of skills that are increasingly in demand in today's fast-changing job market.

For instance, you might find that you enjoy the creativity and client interactions that come with performing Powder Brows procedures, but you also still enjoy aspects of your current job. In this case, you might opt to do both, splitting your time between your new craft and your existing role. 

This kind of diversified approach not only increases potential income streams but also provides a safety net should one area of work slow down.

In conclusion, moonshining offers a practical and low-risk pathway to personal and professional growth. It invites curiosity and exploration while maintaining security, and in the process, it creates a space where passion and profession can coexist and enrich one another. It reflects the modern reality where linear career paths are giving way to more diversified and dynamic professional journeys.

We have lots of examples of women who also (at least at first) end up not quitting their current job, although they usually come clean about their new interests when it comes to their current bosses. To believe that such announcements would be met with fury and distress is a mistake. In far majority of cases, current employers have been truly supportive.

Therefore, reasonable progress in your journey toward becoming a Powder Brows artist will not happen overnight. The best approach is one of steady, deliberate steps. Start with an online course to familiarize yourself with the craft, then gradually invest more time into practicing and mastering your technique. As you learn, start offering your services to friends and family for feedback. Simultaneously, start building your business by investing in marketing and networking. Gauge the interest in your services and adjust your business model accordingly. Remember, success in the beauty industry is less about racing to the finish line and more about crafting a unique and high-quality experience for your clients that they would be willing to pay for.